
Exclusive Interview with Frankie Viral

Playlist Envy caught up with Frankie Viral as he continues a legacy of impressive and unique artists from Brooklyn NY with his new track “You”!

Check out our interview below.

PE: What inspired you to start music?
FV: At a very young age, my mother’s side of the family all gathered every night at exotic locations around the Greek village. She was raised in Greece. We all jammed under the stars… everyone singing, dancing, and playing instruments and cooking food. It was a surreal gypsy gathering of life celebration. I love her for giving me that culture.

PE: If you weren’t doing music, what other career do you see yourself doing?
FV: Music has always come first…my absolute passion, whether money was involved or not. Other than music I would hustle any way to make money to survive, illegal or legit as long as I’m not part of the miserable rat race of a job that drains my soul. I’ll never conform and I never have conformed. But I’ve never been one to sit on the couch and procrastinate. I think it! I plan it! I attack it! If you’re going to be a bank robber be the best bank robber.

PE: What do fans of yours have to look forward to in the near future, are there any surprises to come?
FV: I like to call fans like-minded friends, sits better with me. I will always do my best to provide for my friends. I have some great collaborations in mind and in the works, but I can’t give away all my secrets yet. I really can’t wait to perform live for them as well.

PE: When you’re working, what inspires you or what do you draw inspiration from?
FV: My mind never stops, whether I’m pulling in memories or soaking in the journey of my everyday travels. Especially if I’m in the middle of the ocean floating on my surfboard, I’m alone with my thoughts and great ideas emerge. I’ve been surrounded by amazing freaks and characters my whole life, that also helps…never a dull moment.

PE: Is there any advice you would like to give your younger self for coming into the music industry or something to help the songwriting/producing process?
FV: Yes…number one, walk away from all toxic people. Just separate yourself. It took me a long time to figure that out instead of fighting or feeding it. Once you can do that, you will be surprised by how clear and creative your mind will be. Keep your vibe positive. Surround yourself with Musicians, Songwriters & Producers who are better and more knowledgeable and put your ego down…take advice from them. That’s what I would tell my younger self.

PE: What’s the meaning of your track “YOU”?
FV: I had to re-evaluate my thinking, challenge myself, do something I would have never done. Write a love song and release it first. I wanted everyone to relate, no matter what race, sexual gender, friendship or love or sexual relationship. A bonding experience for another one you love.

PE: How did you come up with the lyric video?
FV: I had a vision to have the Imagery be psychedelic and ambient to match the vibe of the music and lyrics. I want everything I create musically or visually to take you on a trip, to escape. I want people to relate their own fantasies to my lyrics. View Maniac did an amazing job of creating my vision.

PE: What are your plans for the rest of the year?
FV: My plans for the rest of the year is to finish the rest of the album, picking the best songs that I feel make the cut. Get my voice in top shape with my amazing vocal coach. Put together an amazing Live Show…then make plans to hit the road.

PE: Are you looking to stay independent or go Major?
FV: I’m looking to stay independent as long as I can, with my own label Gypsy Cobra. I have offers but it’s going to have to be the right situation. I have the best team looking out for me. We’ve come this far on our own and I’m very proud of that. Basically, what is a major going to do that I haven’t done on my own? That’s the beauty of using modern tools of technology. Make it worth my time Mr. A & R!

PE: Who is Frankie Viral?
FV: I am yin and yang, sometimes dark, sometimes light. I am a king and peasant. I am on both ends of the ladder at different times of this fast-moving life. I am the chosen one at this time for you to read this, a messenger.

PE: Tell us about “The Gypsy Cobra” record and producer?
FV: Producer Bob Marlette, Genius, Beautiful soul. Exorcised the demons out of me I didn’t know I had. He took me to another level, gave me the confidence to build a kingdom of songs from my stripped-down lyrics and thoughts. The Gypsy Cobra record is a diary of my pain, blood, sweat & tears that Bob helped me translate to the world.

PE: What is the 2nd single? When will it drop?

FV: The second single will be teased around Christmas time. It’s different from “YOU”. It’s more about my culture, lots of gypsy Greek instrumentation with a driving beat dosed with electronics. I listen to everything that’s trendy and popular at the moment and run in the other direction as much as possible. I’m not a big fan of the trending formula. I know it’s a safe route but I’m a gambling man by nature. I’m just doing me!




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